We are excited to share the highlights from the LIBER Symposium 2024, held in May. Jennifer, Sharadhi, and Mathias received the Best Poster Awards, standing out among 55 talented poster presenters with their exceptional work. The topics of their award-winning posters are as follows:
Matias Paatelainen (Tampere University): Reconfigurable micropatterns on photoresponsive hydrogel films
Jennifer Tersteegen (Aalto University): From Clarity to Complexity - Exploring Biophysical Dynamics in Spider Silk-like Condensates
Sharadhi Nagaraja (Aalto University): Direct force measurements on a mesoscale swimmer
The jury committee, comprised of senior scientists and new assistant professors (including Sofia Julin, Alberto Scacchi, Sandra Kaabel, Tero-Petri Ruoko and Rajeesh Kizhakidathazhath) evaluated the posters and selected the winners based on their outstanding contributions.
Congratulations to the winners and especial thanks to the committee and all the poster presenters for showcasing their research at the symposium.